Working to Make Florida Self-Reliant.

Your Candidate and Your Advocate. FL. H.D. 25

Best Regards, Matt Silbernagel


Matt's signature issue is Florida Self-Reliance. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed startling insufficiencies with the U.S.'s reliance on the global supply chain. As Politicians and Medical Bureaucrats shut down national economy after national economy. American Citizens began to lose access to basic necessities such as meat, produce, personal hygiene items, personal protection equipment, and pharmaceutical supplies. 

What Floridians Need...

Floridians need their state to act as a safe-guard against the fragility of a system controlled by politicians and bureaucrats far removed from the day to day needs of working people. Florida needs to ensure that its communities and citizens can be self-sufficient by limiting the state's reliance on federal regulation and foreign production of essential products.

How We Accomplish Self-Reliance >

Matt Silbernagel for State Representative

How We Accomplish Self-Reliance...


• Farming–especially when paired with small–scale best            practices
• In-state manufacturing of essential goods and products
• Small locally owned businesses

Matt Silbernagel for State Representative

A Principled Leader For All Generations...

Matt is a native Floridian, born and raised in Central Florida. Along with his three younger siblings, he grew up active in his local church and with fellow homeschoolers. After dual-enrolling in high school, Matt would finish his bachelor’s degree at the University of Florida and earn his law degree from Barry University School of Law, eventually becoming a
practicing attorney at the age of 23.

Now as an attorney living in South-East Lake County, with his wife of ten years and their two daughters, Matt has had a hand in procuring millions of dollars in compensation for private citizens and businesses that have lost their property to eminent domain.

The Issues >

Matt Silbernagel for State Representative

The Issues

If Florida is to become a truly self-sufficient state, we must:

• Stop trusting the globalized supply chain for our essential needs;
• Enact state policies that promote community and individual self-sufficiency;
• Be prepared to nullify federal laws that violate our constitutional rights  

Pro-(Whole) Life is being a people who defend every aspect of human life, from the individual, to family's and communities. We have an obligation as public servants to promote these values and defend their precepts. 

• Defend human life at every stage, before and after birth
• Improve access to parental and family support services
• Enact criminal justice reform while supporting law enforcement

Never before has the State of Florida's educational system been under attack as it is today. We align ourselves with Governor DeSantis in sending a message to the Powers that be, "Not Here". The federal government is taking every action it can to push an agenda upon our children, and you, to enforce a liberalist ideology whose very goal is the eradication of the nuclear family.

• Empower parents and guardians
• Provide choice and high-quality options
• Emphasize real world skills training

While both the U.S. and the Florida Constitutions, protect the use of firearms for personal defense, hunting, and recreation - those uses were never the primary reason for enshrining the right of the citizenry to be armed. The primary and ultimate purpose in maintaining an armed citizenry was and is to ensure there will always be a final stronghold against governmental overreach. To ensure this safeguard is protected, we must:

- Pass Constitutional Carry;
- Return the legal age of purchase from 21 to 18; and
- Repeal red flag laws which deny Floridians the right to due process 


RLCFL Endorses Matt Silbernagel for State Representative

The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida (RLCFL) is pleased to announce our endorsement of Matthew Richard Silbernagel for Florida State Representative in District 25.


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